{File By EX} - Up Up and Away

"One thing that Marlena did was answer questions sent to the department by the Minister. Her answers usually took the form of a briefing note (BN in System-speak)." In this week's installment of File By EX, Marlena finds out just how 'nutty' some of the requests can be. All flies south when the Minister asks "for a briefing note on the new Air Canada instructions from the Canadian Transportation Agency that said the airline had to create a nut-free zone in each of its airplanes. The Minister wanted to know if that meant he could ban Elizabeth May from flying." I chose an outside view of an airplane; Marlena delivers her memo to the Minister in the form of a paper airplane which soars over a snoozing Elizabeth May in the center, which might have some questioning her position in the center and the likelihood that she would travel on a plane in light of her Green choice policies, but hey, it's all about choices.
the Illustration was done with Chinese ink sticks, brushes, sponge brushes, dip pens, and commercial inks.
For other installments of File By EX visit: http://www2.canada.com/ottawacitizen/features/exfiles/index.html


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